OpenAI’s nye chatbot imponerer med sine skrivefærdigheder

Virksomheden OpenAI, som Elon Musk er medstifter af, har udgivet sprogmodellen ChatGPT, som tilsyneladende er i stand til at bestå eksamensopgaver.

OpenAI’s nye chatbot imponerer med sine skrivefærdigheder

Sprogmodeller, som er blevet trænet med enorme mængder data fra internettet, er i stand til at formulere sig på imponerende vis og på en naturlig måde, der ofte gør det meget svært at skelne den automatisk genererede tekst fra en ægte persons formuleringer.

Det cementeres med den seneste lancering af sprogmodellen ChatGPT. Først lancerede virksomheden OpenAI sprogmodellen GPT i 2018 og fulgte op med en videreudviklet udgave, GPT-2, i 2019. Tredje generation så dagens lys i 2020 – den blev udgivet i en offentlig tilgængelig udgave kaldet InstructGPT i 2022.

OpenAI har også udviklet AI-algoritmer, der skaber kunstneriske billeder ud fra instrukser.

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Smartere end tidligere AI-bots

ChatGPT er den seneste skabning fra selskabet og er en søstermodel til InstructGPT – og allerede nu har den skabt overskrifter. Som navnet indikerer, er der her tale om en sprogmodel, der er optimeret til at føre dialog.

ChatGPT er derfor i stand til at svare på opfølgende spørgsmål, indrømme fejl, udfordre forkerte præmisser og afvise upassende forespørgsler. Tidligere sprogmodeller har været plaget af tydelig bias, og de har ofte været i stand til at formulere komplet nonsens, men på en måde, der virker troværdig. Og det har gjort sprogmodellerne kontroversielle, idet fakta og fiktion smelter sammen.

Senest gik det galt, da it-giganten Meta måtte lukke sin nye sprogmodel ned efter blot tre dage.

Men den nye sprogmodel har altså sværere ved at falde i samme fælde. Spørger du den for eksempel om, hvordan man stjæler en bil, nægter den at svare og fortæller, at det er en alvorlig forbrydelse og opfordrer i stedet til at tage offentlig transport.

Læs også: Metas nyeste sprogmodel blev lukket ned allerede efter tre dage

Eksempel på samtale med ChatGPT:

Is technology good or bad for humanity?

It’s difficult to say whether technology is inherently good or bad for humanity. Technology can be used for both positive and negative purposes, and it’s ultimately up to us as individuals and as a society to decide how we want to use it. Some people argue that technology has made our lives easier and more convenient, while others believe that it has had negative effects on our health, relationships, and the environment. Ultimately, the way we use technology will determine its overall impact on humanity.

What kind of negative effects do you refer to?

There are many potential negative effects of technology, and some of the most commonly cited ones include:

  • Health problems: Spending too much time on computers and other devices can lead to health problems such as eye strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and back pain. In addition, the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our natural sleep patterns and cause sleep disorders.
  • Social isolation: Technology can make it easier for people to connect with others, but it can also contribute to social isolation. For example, people who spend a lot of time on their computers or smartphones may be less likely to go out and interact with others in person, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection.
  • Environmental damage: The production and disposal of electronic devices can have negative environmental impacts. For example, the mining of minerals used in electronics can cause pollution and damage to ecosystems, and disposing of electronic waste in landfills can release hazardous materials into the environment.
  • Economic inequality: Some people argue that technology can lead to economic inequality, as it can create new job opportunities for some people while making others obsolete. For example, automation and artificial intelligence are replacing many jobs that were previously done by humans, which can lead to unemployment and financial insecurity for some people.
  • Privacy concerns: Technology can also raise concerns about privacy. For example, the widespread use of surveillance cameras and other monitoring technologies can violate our privacy, and the collection and use of personal data by companies can raise concerns about how our information is being used and who has access to it.

How about the positive effects?

There are also many potential positive effects of technology, including:

  • Improved communication: Technology has made it easier for people to communicate with each other, no matter where they are in the world. For example, we can use email, social media, and video conferencing to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues, and this can help to build and maintain relationships.
  • Increased productivity: Technology can also make us more productive by allowing us to do more in less time. For example, computers and other digital tools can help us to organize our work, automate routine tasks, and access information quickly and easily.
  • Better healthcare: Technology is also playing a vital role in the field of healthcare. For example, medical devices such as pacemakers and insulin pumps can improve the health and quality of life of people with chronic illnesses, and medical imaging technologies such as X-rays and MRIs can help doctors to diagnose and treat medical conditions more accurately.
  • Education and lifelong learning: Technology can also be used to improve access to education and lifelong learning. For example, online courses and educational apps can make it easier for people to learn new skills and knowledge from anywhere in the world, and this can help to break down barriers to education and promote lifelong learning.
  • Economic growth: Technology can also drive economic growth by creating new job opportunities and industries. For example, the development of new technologies such as renewable energy and biotechnology can create new jobs and businesses, and this can help to boost the economy and improve people’s standards of living.
  • Improved quality of life: Overall, many people believe that technology has improved the quality of life for people around the world. For example, it can make our lives easier and more convenient by providing us with access to information, entertainment, and communication tools, and it can also help us to stay healthy and connected to others.

Løser eksamensopgave til topkarakter

Samtidig ser den ud til at give nogle gode og brugbare svar. Undervisere har nemlig brugt ChatGPT til at generere svar på eksamenspørgsmål, som de siger ville resultere i topkarakterer, hvis det var en elev, der havde indsendt svaret. Programmører har ligeledes brugt ChatGPT til at løse udfordringer med kode i forskellige programmeringssprog i løbet af sekunder.

Dan Gillmor, der er professor i journalistik ved Arizona State University, bad AI-botten om at løse en af de eksamensopgaver, som han giver sine elever. Den skulle skrive et brev til et familiemedlem og give råd om online sikkerhed og privatliv. Og den opgave løste den godt.

“Hvis du er usikker på, om en hjemmeside eller en e-mail er legitim, kan du lave en hurtig søgning for at se, om andre har rapporteret, at det er svindel,” lød det blandt andet fra sprogmodellen.

“Jeg ville have givet det en god karakter. Den akademiske verden har nogle meget alvorlige problemer at tage fat i,” siger Dan Gillmor til The Guardian.

Mens ChatGPT testes, er den gratis for alle og enhver at bruge. Du kan prøve kræfter med den her.

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